The Institute for Conflict Management

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Causes of Conflict in Workplace

By Neil P. (

First Posted: Sep 07, 2020 06:41 AM EDT

A conflict could arise if the needs of the employees and certain expectations are not met. This also happened when employees feel they are being ignored.

A harmonious relationship within your workplace can help you, and the workplace achieves both your personal goal and company's vision. However, if a conflict arises in your workplace, your environment will surely be full of disagreements. 

There are many factors why there is conflict in your workplace. Some of these are insecurities, gossips, poor management, unfair treatment, unclear job descriptions, and more. It is not a surprise anymore why many of the employees decided to resign or just let themselves be terminated because of the working environment, which is not healthy anymore. 

According to a published article in NIBUSINESS INFO, the following are the causes of conflict: 

1. Unfair Treatment

If not all but some of the administrators are one-sided. They only listen to the stories and gossips from their so-called "trusted persons." They never realized these people are the ones also who backbite them. They are the parasites in the organization who are creating conflicts every day.

Some employees are taking advantage of it. There are hidden agendas why they are doing these. Possibly they want to hide corruption, mislead their employees by gossiping, and more. Conflict arises other employees experienced that they are not treated well.

2. Personality Clashes

Always remember that each of us has different values. We came from different values, which means the character you expect from your colleagues is unrealistic. However, some of the tenured employees immediately judge the new employees, and this again creates a conflict.

This happened because either the new employee is more intelligent or has a higher educational background. They are threats for the so-called "tenured employees" but lack the educational experience that hinders them from being promoted. Their only way to escape and restrict the new employee's promotion is to fabricate stories. 

3. Unrealistic Expectations and Needs

It is tough and challenging to work in a workplace where professional growth is impossible. Even though it is true that administrators cannot give everything the employees need, but at least some expectations should be met. 

An example of this is a work arrangement. Some employees have a hard time managing their work due to health reasons. They can set an arrangement, but sometimes it is being turned down, and you will be compared to other employees who have responsibilities too. Is it worthy to compare health problems and family responsibility?  

Most of the time, companies lose employees who can help the organization help meet the vision and goal. But others claim, "There is someone better." But the question is 'Are you sure of it? What happened to your organization? Is there any progress?

4. Unresolved Workplace Issues

An old problem that until now is a problem in the workplace is gossiping. If not one, but at least some love to gossip and talk about other persons' lives. Did it help them to get promoted? Maybe, but are they doing their job based on their job description? 

This also creates a conflict within the group. Always remember to respect your colleagues. Because at the end of the day, you still have the same title. You are both "employees." Do not act as if you own the company. It will just create problems and conflicts of interest.