Facebook, Australia reach deal to restore news pages after shutdown

Facebook agreed to restore news pages on its site in Australia after it said late Monday that it had reached a favorable deal with the government there.

The deal, which came after 11th-hour negotiations and intense backlash against the company, would enable Facebook to run news without having to go through a government-run arbitration process, Facebook’s head of news partnerships, Campbell Brown, said in a statement.

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Australia: Contract says Arbitrate? So arbitrate! Kenneth Martin J. sets out broad arbitral powers in Tensioned Concrete case

Property developers, construction contractors and others involved in the construction industry are frequent users of arbitration. The only limits to the nature and complexity of commercial disputes that can be referred to arbitration are the limits set by the arbitration agreement from which arbitrators (with help from both statute and judge-made law) derive their powers.

Arbitrators' powers are defined broadly in both statutes and contracts

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Australian media firms squeeze more from Google as new law looms

Australia claimed an early win in a protracted licencing battle with Google on Wednesday as media companies lined up to announce content deals with the internet giant that were reportedly far more lucrative than their global rivals.

A month after the Alphabet Inc-owned company threatened to shut down its search engine in Australia to avoid what it called “unworkable” content laws, the country’s two largest free-to-air television broadcasters have struck deals collectively worth A$60 million ($47 million) a year, according to media reports.

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Google’s solution would allow it to control arbitration: ACCC boss

The boss of the competition watchdog has labelled Google’s solution to the proposed news media bargaining code, its News Showcase product, another example of its empire-building take it or leave it proposition as Google claims its threat to pull its search engine from Australia was misrepresented.

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Sports Law : Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) was founded in 1984 and is an independent organisation that facilitates the resolution of disputes involving sporting organisations and their individual members through mediation and binding arbitration.

CAS has its main seat in Lausanne, Switzerland but also has operational offices in Sydney, Australia and New York, United States.

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Could Google really leave Australia?

The government is introducing a law to address a long-bubbling row over whether tech giants should pay for news that appears in search or is shared on their platforms.

The proposed law would mandate that Google has commercial agreements with every news organisation - or enter forced arbitration, something Google says is "unworkable".

"If this version of the code were to become law, it would give us no real choice but to stop making Google Search available in Australia," the regional director, Mel Silva, said.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison told Google: "We don't respond to threats".

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A to Z guide Understanding of Dispute Resolution of Australia.

First of all, what do we mean by dispute resolution in the legal and construction sense? or what is dispute resolution? Dispute resolution Australia is a term that refers to several processes that can be used to resolve a conflict, dispute, or claim between parties, including litigation, mediation, arbitration, and negotiation, or informal dispute resolution of family dispute resolution. Problems and differences in construction and business will occur; It’s how you handle them and how you protect yourself from the front that can make a world of difference! Through this article, we will be explaining in-depth all of your options for resolving potential conflicts and disputes, as well as how to address them in your construction contracts and subcontracts.

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Government releases draft amendments to the Franchising Code

Recently, the Federal Government released its exposure draft amendments to the Franchising Code of Conduct (Code).

The amendments to the Code are a response to the findings made by the Parliamentary Joint Committee in its Fairness in Franchising Report and the subsequent commitments made by the Government.

While the amendments are still in draft form, the major proposed changes to the Code include the following:

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