Lawsuit over Idaho water company sale to Suez is resolved. City of Eagle touts agreement

The sale of Eagle Water Company to Suez Water will move ahead after the resolution of a city of Eagle lawsuit filed in 2019. City officials announced in a news release Wednesday that the lawsuit was resolved through mediation and that the sale to Suez will proceed to a review conducted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The PUC must approve the sale for it to become final.

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Canada: Mediator Selection: Skills Often More Important Than Expertise

As per Rule 24.1 of Ontario's Rules of Civil Procedure, certain court proceedings in Ontario are subject to mandatory mediation. Even if it is not mandatory in a particular proceeding, mediation is a form of alternate dispute resolution that parties may want to consider to avoid a full trial, reduce the costs of litigation, and hopefully arrive at a settlement that is agreeable to everyone involved. Whether or not a mediation is successful is, in large part, dependant on the choice of mediator.

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What are some of the most common commercial contract disputes that have arisen over the past year?

“Many businesses have been left with unpaid invoices due the financial implications of the pandemic. There has also been an increase in disputes resulting from companies struggling to meet contractual obligations for a number of reasons, sometimes outside their control. For example, goods being held up in other countries, the inability to continue work due to government restrictions or one party to the contract triggering their force majeure clause.

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Mediating joint venture disputes

India has been on an unabated growth trajectory - supported by a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of nearly US$11.5 trillion (S$15.9 trillion). India is also the world’s third largest economy after China and the United States, according to 2019 International Monetary Fund estimates. Rising affluence and growing urbanisation in India has attracted investors who are keen to tap on India’s elite and affluent households - two of the fastest-growing income segments in the country, expected to double to 16 percent of the population by 2025. The rapid growth of India has not stopped despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, the authors continue to observe increasing number of investments in tech-related start-ups in India by foreign venture capital funds and institutional investors and also the shift in supply chains with more companies looking to set up their manufacturing plants and factories in India, even in the last 6 months

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