Rebuilding communication after separation

Once parents have moved beyond the realms of court proceedings, it is important to consider how they can develop healthy channels of communication for the benefit of the child(ren) involved and to support healthy coparenting. Continuing child arrangements necessitate a reasonable level of communication between separated parties.

It is common to have concerns regarding contact arrangements, particularly where such arrangements did not exist previously. The restrictions on movement introduced as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic can causes some added strain. However, it is important that children are able to have a healthy relationship with both parents and that both parents are able to effectively manage plans between two households. A number of platforms, accessible on the internet and also as via mobile apps, have now been introduced which are intended to help facilitate coparenting and supporting better relationships.

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Divorce During COVID – How We Have Adapted

Like almost everything else in life, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly altered the practice of family law. With court closures and social distancing measures, the court system, attorneys, and clients have turned to technology to keep the legal process moving along. Family law matters such as divorce and paternity can be difficult and complex, so the idea of using a virtual meeting platform, like Zoom, for attorney-client consultations, mediations, and hearings was initially met with skepticism. As a client, you may wonder, as we once did, whether these meetings and proceedings can be effective if they are not handled in person. After all, divorce and paternity matters often involve highly sensitive issues such as parenting, time-sharing, child support, and alimony. A strong client-attorney bond built on human interaction and connection can provide you with much-needed support during such an emotional and challenging time.

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