How Does Personal Injury Mediation Work?

If you’ve filed a personal injury lawsuit or hired an attorney to file one for you, odds are good you are eventually going to be presented with the option, or perhaps even the obligation, to go to mediation. Mediation sounds intimidating. And it can be. But knowing what all the parts look like can make it a lot less so.

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Mediation - The future for personal injury claims?

Concluding a personal injury or clinical negligence claim on behalf of a claimant is often a bittersweet victory. Even after achieving the best possible outcome for the claimant, ultimately, the claimant still has to live with the consequences of another individual's negligent act which caused them harm.

In my experience, there often remains resentment over why the accident occurred in the first place and why the claimant had to go through an often lengthy and stressful litigation process to succeed in recovering a fair level of compensation. Regardless of what that sum of money ultimately is, the fact remains that no amount of money can take away those negative emotions.

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