The Bachelor: All of Peter Weber’s exes (minus Kelley) are plotting hexes

by Madeleine Hudak1 day ago Follow @laddy650

It seems we’ve entered yet another chapter in the season that never ends, as The Bachelor’s Peter Weber and his post-season antics continue to irk his former suitors. Can Chris Harrison please step in and mediate this mess?

I’m officially requesting a call for Chris Harrison to end the madness that is season 24 of The Bachelor. I use present-tense, as this season has continued way past its expiration date. Somehow, there continues to be new drama surrounding Peter Weber by the day. At this point, I’m on no one’s side in this disaster besides Hannah Ann. Again, Hannah Ann initially reduced to Thing 2 in Champagne Gate, and who actually has legitimate reasons to have beef with Peter, is the only one who has maturely moved on from this season.

I can’t say the same about a single other person from Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor, including Peter. Apparently, Peter’s exes have joined forces and started a coven to avenge their perpetual grievances. First, we had the bizarre Tik Tok starring half the cast that allegedly threw shade at Kelley Flanagan via the comment section. We then had Madi Prewett on Kaitlyn Bristowe’s Off The Vine podcast where she claimed Peter was sketchily texting her two days before quarantining with Kelley. This was then followed by Peter calling out Madi in an Instagram comment, dissing her for not having “a little more respect for this situation given we both know there’s more to the story.” I. am. TIRED.

And now for my next trick, and by trick, I mean chapter 95 in the never-ending saga. It seems Peter’s “exes” (I still can’t commit to calling 15 people who non-exclusively spent an hour tops with a guy on a reality show exes) are not mad, they’re disappointed. In an exclusive with Us Weekly, a source divulged that Peter’s girls are seeing a different side to Peter than they saw on the show, and are not pleased. They feel he seems much more “laid-back, relaxed and chill. On the show, he was guarded and seemed to be putting on a front.”

I have to stop and butt in immediately – they’re mad that he is happy and carefree? Are they unaware of the show’s purpose, to induce conflict and stress? It’s particularly ironic after all participating in the Redemption Tour that is the ‘Women Tell All’ episode that they’re calling out Peter for being a shell of his former self (who debatably aged five years in three months), when we can universally, objectively agree that they were on their #WorstBehavior the entirety of filming.

Moreover, it was abundantly clear that a lot of Peter’s walls, fair to the women or not, were justifiably a result of being in the worst Final 4 of all time (minus Tyler, obviously) that included a manipulator, and a manipulating liar with a guitar. What was he supposed to do, pass around Xerox copies of his diary on night one? Honestly, this qualm is, to me, just ridiculous. I don’t know how to more plainly explain the blatant difference between being a lead on a show, dating 30 people at a time, sleeping 2-3 hours a night (per former leads), and weeding through the chaos to ~listen to your heart~ – not to mention the abundance of production interference that transpired – versus living normal life.

Meanwhile, Kelley Flanagan remains unfazed throughout all this and seems to be the only one who “gets” it. Qualms with Peter’s sketchiness aside, I actually think Kelley and Peter are a good match. Peter is not an alpha, and I’m sure he’d be the first to admit that, which, to me, is what drew him fiercely to Hannah Beast. He clearly needs a strong-willed, self-assured woman who wears the pants. Enter said woman, attorney Kelley Flanagan. It helps that Kelley has a pre-show reference point, to be fair, but unlike Peter’s not-a-fan club, she is actually pleased by Peter’s noticeable post-show recovery.

An insider further divulged to Us Weekly that Peter Weber’s personality change on the show was palpable to Kelley versus their meet-cute in the hotel lobby. With that said, “now he’s back to the person she first knew and that’s why she is hanging out with him again.”

Honestly, that’s kind of straight-up sad. It was clear that the show took 10 years off his life, but it’s particularly emphasized when you have someone like Kelley who saw him through the three stages of pre-show, post-show, and pulp of a human thereafter, validate that sentiment.

All in all, I know the girls are seething from Bachelor in Paradise withdrawals, but kindly, it’s time to move on. Let bygones be bygones, and let Peter just live his life in peace. There are plenty of alum DMs to slide into to distract yourselves appropriately.
